Saturday, November 17, 2007

Courts Back Bush's Fascista State

There is not one branch of government you can look to, readers!

This was all DEMOCRAT JUDGES, too, folks!

From the supposedly liberal San Fran area.

I really detest left-wingers and liberals now.

They are the dumbest sons-of-bitches around.


"Court upholds Bush's 'state secrets' defense; Ruling halts suit vs. warrantless wiretapping" by Henry Weinstein/Los Angeles Times November 17, 2007

LOS ANGELES - A federal appeals court in San Francisco yesterday handed a major victory to the Bush administration, ruling that a lawsuit challenging the government's warrantless wiretapping program could not go forward because of the "state secrets" privilege.

In a 3-to-0 decision, the US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit sided with the government, which had argued that allowing an Islamic charity's assertion that it was illegally spied upon would threaten national security.

Judge Margaret McKeown, after privately reviewing sealed information from the government, said on behalf of the three-judge panel:

"We acknowledge the need to defer to the Executive on matters of foreign and national security and surely cannot legitimately find ourselves second-guessing the executive in this arena."

The victory was not absolute. The court sent the case back to a lower court to consider whether the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which requires the government to seek warrants for antiterrorist wiretaps from a special court, preempts the state secrets privilege. The proceedings on that issue could take months.

State secrets?

When did America become AmeriKa?

When did America become the Soviet Union?

When did America become Communist China, readers?

But coming from three judges, all appointed by Democratic presidents, in one of the most liberal federal circuits in the country, the ruling demonstrates a reluctance by the courts to intervene in President Bush's handling of the war on terrorism.

Good-bye, judicial branch. Now a worthless piece of shit!

In its suit early last year, Al-Haramain and two of its attorneys contended that the secret document was a National Security Agency call log documenting surveillance of the organization.

The organization asserted that the president and other executive branch officials violated the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, various provisions of the US Constitution, and international law. The government countered that the suit was barred by the state secrets privilege, a legal rule codified during the Cold War to quash legal action that could reveal military secrets."

And yet, they remain at the top of our government!

Talk about an outlaw regime!!!!

Notice, too, that the shithole government doesn't deny anything.

They just want to keep it secret!

Well, that ain't America!

"Court Bars Secret Papers in Eavesdropping Case" byERIC LICHTBLAU

WASHINGTON, Nov. 16 — The complex ruling signaled possible trouble for those trying to prove that the eavesdropping program was illegal and unconstitutional.


It is an ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT, so I'm not going to obey it at all!

A charity in Oregon, Al-Haramain Islamic Foundation, had perhaps the best evidence of anyone of being singled out by the wiretapping program, based on a secret document that the F.B.I. mistakenly gave the group in 2004. Although the document was later confiscated by the F.B.I., it apparently indicated that the government had tapped the group’s phone without a warrant.

In its ruling, however, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit, in San Francisco, found that evidence about the document could not be introduced in court because it fell under the “state secrets” privilege. The unanimous opinion was issued by a three-judge panel and was written by Judge M. Margaret McKeown, who was appointed by President Bill Clinton.

Right, the Globalist asshole Clinton!

This country is fucked, America!

WE are fucked!

Brian Roehrkasse, spokesman for the Justice Department:

We are pleased with the court’s decision, since the Ninth Circuit upheld the government’s position that release of this information would ‘undermine the government’s intelligence capabilities and compromise national security.’"

FUCK YOU, and your FALSE-FLAG TERRORISM and your FUCKING FASCISTA STATE, 'kay, stinkfuck shitter?