The MSM serving up shit again, just for your enjoyment Amurkn people!
"US puts stakes high in Mideast summit; Critics say session is coming too late" by Farah Stockman/Boston Globe November 26, 2007
WASHINGTON - Bush administration officials have hailed a one-day Mideast summit in Annapolis, Md., tomorrow as a historic opportunity to create a Palestinian state by the time Bush leaves office in 2009.
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters last week:
"Everybody understands the importance of making this work. I've said several times since that failure isn't really an option here and it's within everyone's power to make this succeed."
Stephen Hess, a presidential scholar at George Washington University, said of Bush:
"Time is running against him. He has less political capital in his bank. In a sense, it really was quite late in this agenda."
As of yesterday afternoon, Olmert and Abbas had not yet agreed on a joint statement of principles to present at the conference. State Department officials were still working with their Israeli and Palestinian counterparts to finalize the agenda.
And the meeting is tomorrow? Pffffttt!
Critics note that the meeting is only one day, unlike earlier efforts under Presidents Clinton and Carter, during which Israeli and Arab negotiators spent more than a week holed up in secluded compounds.
It's a photo-op!
And that is probably as much attention as that brain-damaged asshole can muster for any issue!
Bush administration officials say Annapolis is not meant to be a forum for negotiation. Instead, it is meant to show broad international support for the negotiations.
National security adviser Stephen Hadley told reporters on a conference call yesterday that the meeting was meant to "showcase an opportunity" to solve the decades-long conflict.
The meeting already received a boost with the promised attendance of the foreign minister of Saudi Arabia, a key powerbroker in the Arab world who is influential with Palestinian leaders, and the deputy foreign minister of Syria, a country that has supported militant Palestinian groups and is a key ally of Iran, now seen as the main adversary of the United States and Israel in the region.
Why should Israel's adversary be ours? I have absolutely no beef with Iran!
In fact, AmeriKa owes them an apology for the shabby treatment!
However, one key player that will be absent tomorrow is Hamas. The Bush administration's current efforts have only been possible, US officials say, because Abbas stopped trying to form a unity government with Hamas.
Yeah, he TEAMED UP with ISRAEL instead!
Hadley said that Hamas's refusal to renounce terrorism and recognize Israel had excluded the group - and the 2 million Palestinians in Gaza - from the talks that would form the basis of a future Palestinian state. He said Gaza would one day become a part of any future Palestinian state, but that it would only happen when Hamas lost power or changed its ways.
Then it is never going to happen -- unless elections are once again rigged, right?
"We are talking about a two-state solution, not a three-state solution, but how that is going to come about will depend on the Hamas leadership and the choices of people in Gaza."
Right! And thus, the WH approves of the strangulation and starvation policy of Israel towards Gaza -- the WAR CRIME of COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT!
The meeting could succeed if the administration is prepared to provide the difficult diplomatic assistance in the months to come.
Aaron David Miller, who served as an adviser to six secretaries of state on Arab-Israeli negotiations: "They deserve credit [for planning the Annapolis meeting]."
Yeah, after doing nothing for seven fucking years!
Of course, that's part of the policy!
The AIPAC/Clean Break/PNAC policy!
"Syria Says It Will Join Conference in Maryland" by STEVEN ERLANGER
WASHINGTON, Nov. 25 — Most important, however, Syria risked isolation from the Arab world if it did not come. Syria is already a kind of outlier, run by an Alawite minority and an ally of non-Arab, Shiite Iran. Syria supports Iranian-supported clients like Hezbollah, in southern Lebanon, as well as Hamas and Islamic Jihad in the Palestinian territories — all opposed to a Palestinian-Israeli peace agreement or Israel’s right to exist.
That NYT is really something, huh?
Yeah, Syria is an outlier in the region.
Nothing about the ROGUE ZIONIST REGIME of OCCUPATION, though!
Mushir al-Masri, the Hamas spokesman, in Gaza on Sunday:
“Any results from Annapolis will not be recognized by the Palestinian people. No one is delegated to give up on our basic rights. We are ready to offer blood to defend them.”
Miri Eisin, spokeswoman for Prime Minister Ehud Olmert of Israel, asked about the results of the meeting:
“The Saudi and Syrian presence is very important and is an American success. Hamas is appalled, which is why we have reason to be satisfied. We’re hopeful but not optimistic.”
While the Syrians are not sending the foreign minister — a diplomatic distinction that has meaning — Ms. Eisin said that from Israel’s point of view, the rank of the representative was much less important than the Syrian presence.
Yup, everything must be seen through the Israeli perspective! Fuck off, Times!
Mark Regev, the Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman, noted that Syria had agreed to cancel a planned “anti-Annapolis summit” meeting and attend instead:
“If the idea of the meeting is Arab-Israeli dialogue, Syria matters. It would be even more positive if this were an indication of a change in Syria’s orientation — away from Iran and toward the Saudi- and Egyptian-led Sunni Arab consensus."
Yup, the conference is not about Plaestinian peace, but it is about POWER POLITICS and FUCKING OVER IRAN!
Sigh! You had it with the bullshit lies yet, readers? I have!
On Wednesday, Mr. Bush will meet again, though separately, with Mr. Abbas and Mr. Olmert, with other issues on the Israeli agenda, like the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran.
Who TF EVER gets a hearing on THEIR INTERESTS?
On Sunday, Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni of Israel had lunch with Ms. Rice and met with her and the Palestinian negotiator, Ahmed Qurei, to try to work out a joint Israeli-Palestinian statement before the Annapolis meeting. The statement, which Ms. Rice says was not an American idea, has proved problematic. If there is one, it will be limited to a vow about the future and next steps, rather than a summary of the shape of a final agreement.
It's COVER for WAR PLANS against Hamas, Syria and Iran!
Israelis praised the Arab presence here.
Ms. Livni: “There isn’t a single Palestinian who can reach an agreement without Arab support.”
As if the arrogant fucking NaZionists would know what is in the Arab mind!
What assholes!
In Israel, reaction to Syria’s participation was political.
Gilad Erdan of the opposition party Likud, when asked about the meeting, told Israel Radio:
"[Syria’s participation] proved that all we are talking about is a masked ball in which even a terror-supporting state like Syria can participate. In the end it will all come at Israel’s expense.”
Oh, then this conference is already a failure!
The Zionists don't want it, it ain't happening in Israel!
Ran Cohen, from the leftist Meretz Party:
“I think Israel has to receive this as a great opportunity, that Syria comes for diplomatic negotiations, and also to open a direct Israel-Syria-Lebanon channel for peace, to prevent the next war, advance us perhaps, toward peace, and also to isolate Iran.”
Three Palestinian militants were killed by Israeli forces in the West Bank and Gaza Strip on Sunday, and Israeli security forces went on heightened alert in and around Jerusalem for several hours after receiving intelligence about possible attacks before the Annapolis meeting."
Oh, MORE ISRAELI MURDER GOES BY UNCOMMENTED ON just before the "conference!"
And that is not all:
Israeli Army Opens Fire on Children's Playground

"Ali Murad Abu Shaweesh was 12 when Israeli soldiers shot him in the back. Ali was killed on the same day in June, 2001 that Sharon refused to let the Israeli foreign minister, Shimon Peres, meet with Yasir Arafat, yet his death also went unnoticed by American television news. But not entirely unnoticed, since the Israeli soldiers, who taunted the Palestinian boys over loudspeakers outside the Khan Yunis refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, goading them to come out and throw rocks, did so under the gaze of Chris Hedges, a reporter for the New York Times.
"Children have been shot in other conflicts I have covered--death squads gunned them down in El Salvador and Guatemala, mothers with infants were lined up and massacred in Algeria, and Serb snipers put children in their Sarajevo--but I have never before watched soldiers entice children like mice into a trap and murder them for sport," Hedges wrote. His account, coolly factual yet full of passionate intensity, was written not for his own paper but for Harper's Magazine, which sent Hedges to Gaza on his vacation." The Nation, March 11, 2002
I was surprised to find this on the NYT's page ops page:
"Bush’s Best Hope" by ROGER COHEN
I'm shocked that the blatantly obvious is so admitted!
President Bush is on the exit track. It’s time to rectify the fundamental error he made in allowing war-on-terror rhetoric to discredit the Palestinian national movement.
His best hope in Annapolis may be the Texas connection. If Bush gets behind Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian prime minister who attended the University of Texas, things may move. But he has to stick with him.
Fayyad, 55, is the can-do face of the Palestinian movement. Like his people, he’s long been in the wilderness. Unlike many of them, he hasn’t succumbed to the culture of the victim. “One year,” he said in an hour-long conversation, “is more than adequate to come to a peace treaty and end this conflict.”
In seven years in office, Bush has been uninterested in such an ending. He hallucinated about roads from Baghdad to Jerusalem. He talked about two states and lost interest. American Middle East policy has been distracted and unbalanced.
Now, overcoming his Clinton angst, Bush has summoned the parties to Annapolis, Md. It’s late in the day. The rising Middle Eastern power, Iran, has not been invited. Nor has Hamas. What’s present in abundance is desperation. Bush must use it.
The Palestinians are desperate because they are at a dead end. They’ve been the losers over six decades through ineptitude, corruption, Arab hypocrisy and their susceptibility to victims’ hollow consolations. As Fayyad noted, “Last year more than 50,000 Palestinians emigrated. How is that consistent with ending the occupation?”
Israeli desperation is quieter. The economy has blossomed, but not the Israeli soul. Four decades of occupation since the 1967 war have been a scourge. Jewish precariousness persists. The diaspora Jew did not go to Zion to build the Jew among nations.
I'm just surprised to see the words in the Times, that's all, readers.
Of course, it is an opinion piece -- not a "news" report or editorial!
Bush faces Palestinian weakness and compromised Israeli strength. He must offset weakness by standing with the Palestinians on core demands. He must insist on Israeli sacrifice — territorial and ideological — in the name of U.S.-guaranteed security. “Without peace,” Bush should tell the Israelis, “the Arab birth rate and the jihadist tide will eventually wash over you.”
Ha-ha-ha! It's the other way around, guy! Israel is calling that tune!
Fayyad told me he’s coming into the conference Tuesday “disappointed that more progress has not been made.” On core issues — Jerusalem, borders, settlements — impasse has prevailed. Annapolis can solve nothing; it can only jump-start an intense process.
That process needs three elements, Fayyad told me. First, explicit framing within the context of U.N. Security Council resolutions, including 242, that makes clear Israel’s obligation to, in Fayyad’s words, “end the occupation that began in 1967.”
Yeah, why no complaining about ISRAEL'S MASSIVE VIOLATIONS of U.N. resolutions?
On the other hand, why go after Arabs like Saddam at the bleat of a fart, when IRAQ had COMPLIED!!!
NO WEAPONS FOUND, remember?!
Second, Annapolis must produce an Israeli commitment to freeze West Bank settlements and remove illegal settler outposts, paralleled by Palestinian commitments to “institution-building and fighting terrorism.”
Third, “we must get a reference to a timeline, a conclusion of final status peace within the Bush presidency.”
Then he would truly be confirmed as the Anti-Christ!
Fayyad is right. A return to the 1967 lines, plus or minus agreed swaps, is the only basis for a two-state accord. An Israeli settlement freeze is the first step to a Palestinian buy-in. A timetable is the anchor all the talking needs.
I asked Fayyad how he’d reassure Israel about security. He became animated. “Political pluralism is fine, but I can’t tolerate security pluralism. There’s no such thing as militias running around taking decisions! That has led to catastrophe. Law and order is basic. I said in a speech the other day that Nablus is more important than Annapolis! It is. The people of Nablus need security, just like Israelis.”
And Hamas? “The Palestinian state will be in the West Bank and Gaza, so the current situation is a big problem for implementation. But we’re not there yet. We are talking about a binding agreement with the state of Israel. Our domestic situation will be sorted out by then.”
Fayyad continued: “I want to end the occupation yesterday! I feel no less strongly than these Hamas people talking about resistance. But we have to mean what we say. In 1993, we renounced violence and recognized Israel. We must stick with that.”
It strikes me that all through this shit, Israel just kept coming up with more excuses, etc, etc.
It's like a broken record at this point, and Cohen is being distracted.
As the above articles indicate, this is a war conference about Iran!
Bush must tell Israel it’s strong enough to bet on Fayyad’s vision of coexistence. He must cash in arms-supply chips with the Iran-fearing Saudis to get their support. Make Arab moderation mean something.
Israel is powerful, but Palestinian humiliation is an Israeli and Jewish nightmare. I feel it; many American Jews feel it. This is not what David Ben-Gurion had in mind when he sought to forge a proud people from one “hung up in midair.”
The Zionist's Day is coming to an end, soon!
They are a hated minority ruling class, just as are Bush and his Neo-Cons!
Bush delivering Palestine is a far-fetched notion. Still, it’s time for the Texas connection to get the ball moving down the field."
Except it is 4th-and-20 deep in our own end, Rich!
Bush better punt!