Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Bush's Conference

The guy's arrogance is astounding and shaming!

"Bush: Mideast leaders open to compromise" by Anne Gearan/Associated Press November 26, 2007

WASHINGTON -- Bush, at an evening dinner at the State Department for members of some 50 delegations invited to the talks, toasted the effort and told the guests:

"We've come together this week because we share a common goal: two democratic states, Israel and Palestine, living side-by-side in peace and security. Achieving this goal requires difficult compromises, and the Israelis and Palestinians have elected leaders committed to making them."

Did anyone tell this ignoramus that the PALESTINIANS ELECTED HAMAS!!!!!

And YOU FROZE THEM OUT, asshole!

Won't even talk to them and, in fact, are conniving with Israel to make them suffer!

Some in Bush's administration doubt that a settlement is possible in such a short time frame and have reservations about whether the Palestinians, in particular, are ready to make necessary concessions.

She must have talked to Cheney!

And how about ISRAELI CONCESSIONS, you fucking Zionist piece of propaganda shit?

I am so sick of the fucking NaZionist bias of the AmeriKan MSM in favor of the unholy shitstink state Israel!

The Palestinian question underlies numerous other conflicts and grievances in the Middle East, and has scattered hundreds of thousands of Palestinians across several Arab states.

Yup, no mention of how they got there, as if Israel hadn't cleansed them all these years!

I am so sick of AmeriKa's stinkfucking MSM bias towards Israel!

Olmert, at a briefing with reporters, pounded his fist on a desk as he spoke of the need to work toward peace despite difficulties:

"We want to move forward. We don't want the status quo."

Fuck off, war criminal! I ain't buying a word of the lying NaZionist!

But he also said Israel would insist that the Palestinians fight terror in Hamas-ruled Gaza before any peace deal would be implemented."

I am tired of stink Olmert and his fucking lies!

In fact, I'm fucking sick of Israel! Period!!!!!!!!!

"Bush Offers a Nudge to Start Mideast Talks" by STEVEN LEE MYERS

WASHINGTON, Nov. 26 — Mr. Bush and his aides still deplore what they view as President Clinton’s disastrously hands-on involvement in the peace process in 2000. And they insist that Mr. Bush does not intend to negotiate personally the two-state peace he has pronounced as his vision, just as they insist that this is not an 11th-hour effort to forge a legacy other than the one left by the Iraq war.

Are you tired and enraged at White House lies transmitted by a propaganda organ like the NYT, reader?

Mr. Bush told the Palestinian leader, Mahmoud Abbas, in the Oval Office on Monday, before saying, and sounding, again, Clintonesque:

The United States cannot impose our vision, but we can help facilitate.”

Not when it comes to Israel, no. Anyone else, we'll go to war with 'em!

For all the pomp of the Annapolis gathering, the White House is not calling it a summit meeting or anything else suggestive of substantive progress.

Then it will be a big media production about whatever is done!

Just watch, readers! I know how these guys operate now!

The MSM will be reporting a HISTORIC agreement this afternoon, mark my words!

That's what Bush does -- low ball expectations so you can
claim victory!

That view reflects more than just his personality. (“The president is not a gambler,” his press secretary, Dana M. Perino, said last week.)

He's not a gambler?

But I heard he was, Dana, you coke-snorting whore!!

Iraq was a RISK to INVADE!

The MSM has been filling us of how BOLD a RISK-TAKER Bush is for SEVEN YEARS?

Get off the blow, Dana, before you hurt yourself!

It also echoes a view held by conservatives in the administration, and probably by Mr. Bush, that the United States should not impose terms on Israel, America’s closest ally in a troubled region.

That's why the U.S. is hated in the region, too!

And why the region is "troubled!"

Time to cut the fucking shitstink state loose!

An Israeli official on Monday called [the conference]: “The mother of all photo ops.”

And yet we are being shoveled this shit in print and on tv!

Nice insult, too, Israel! You gonna take that, Bush?

That, however, does not necessarily mean that it will be a failed photo op.

That NYT is something, huh?

What do they know that they aren't telling us, readers?

Mr. Bush is expected to give at least a preliminary answer to that question when he opens Tuesday’s meeting with a speech that has taken on greater significance in recent days, as the Israelis and Palestinians have struggled to agree even on a general statement that might emerge from the conference.

Wonder how the speech went since I don't watch television news anymore!

Yup, a huge success, even though they can't even agree on a statement, document, whatever!

Mr. Bush’s aides often point out that in 2002 he was the first American president to declare support for a Palestinian state. That is true, but they fail to mention that he did so while refusing to negotiate with Yasir Arafat, then the Palestinian leader, effectively endorsing a deadly stalemate.

Yeah, Bush is just a success all around, isn't he?

Look at this shit-sucking fawning by these press pukes!

A recurring criticism of Mr. Bush is that he has so clearly tilted American policy toward Israel that the United States is no longer seen as an honest broker, emphasizing Israel’s security over Palestinian grievances.

Yeah, but that type of criticism NEVER makes the NYT!

Why would it?

The NYT is a Zionist-controlled outfit that is a mouthpiece for Israel's NaZionists!

That was the case in 2004, when he publicly expressed support for some of the nonnegotiable positions of the former Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon. Mr. Bush’s assurances to Israel remain on the table.

Sharon knows, so we all know:

"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that . . . I want to tell you something very clear: Don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."

Privately, officials also express confidence that the Arab world might finally get behind the effort out of fear of Iran’s rising influence in the region."

So even after all this peace-talk shit, it is STILL ALL ABOUT IRAN!!!!!!!

Don't be FOOLEYED, American people, by your BULLSHIT MEDIA and their SHIT-SPEW!!

And FUCK ISRAEL!!!!!!!!!