Wednesday, November 7, 2007

America Knows the Truth About 9/11

CNN: '1 in 3 Americans Believe 9/11 Was Inside Job'

"If CNN is having to admit that 1 in 3 Americans know 9-11 was an inside job, then in reality it is more likely 9 out of 10." -- Mike Rivero, What Really Happened

Yup! They polled it one night: 89%!

And the truth is coming out! YOU CAN NOT HIDE the TRUTH!


The truth is COMING OUT!


"9/11 Family Member Patty Casazza: Government Knew Exact Date and Exact Targets"

George Washington's Blog
Wednesday November 7, 2007

9/11 family member and "Jersey Girl" Patty Casazza has just revealed that whistleblowers told her that -- before 9/11 -- the government knew the exact day, the type of attack, and the targets.

Why is this important? Because, previously, some of the best-known whistleblowers have been willing to give only vague information about the government's foreknowledge. For example, they said only that the government knew of the general timeframe for the attacks, or that the government had a list of potential targets, on which the World Trade Center was one of many potential targets (of course, other whistleblowers have been more specific).

Casazza further stated that these whistleblowers saw how Sibel Edmonds was being harrassed and gagged, and were fearful that the same thing would happen to them. So they approached the Jersey Girls to ask them to demand the 9/11 Commission subpoena the whistleblowers. The Jersey Girls tried to bring the whistleblowers before the 9/11 Commission, and the Commissioners agreed, but then never let the whistleblowers testify, let alone subpoena them.

Why is this important? Because defenders of the official government story have argued that 9/11 couldn't have been an inside job or else whistleblowers would have come forward. Ms. Cassaza confirms what many have said: there are a lot of 9/11 whistleblowers who are afraid to come forward -- especially without a supboena -- for fear of being attacked and harassed.

A video of Ms. Cassaza's statement has just been released:

Ms. Cassaza's statements were made at the 9/11: Families, First Responders & Experts Speak conference.

Many whistleblowers have, in fact, already come forward. See for example this video. And for a more comprehensive refutation of the argument about a lack of whistleblowers, see this.

Thanks to Jon Gold for his key participation in the conference, and for the tip.

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