Saturday, November 3, 2007

Ahmadinejad: Media Critic

Ahmadinejad Blasts Western Powers Misuse of Media

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said bullying powers make an instrumental use of the world media in a bid to humiliate other nations and cultures and to channel world relations into their own interests through distorting realities.

And we all know what those interests are!

Addressing the opening session of the 44th general assembly of the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU) here in Tehran on Saturday, the president also regretted that powers misuse media to fabricate historical, scientific, industrial, moral, philosophical, ideological and political facts and events by allowing flow of information in a selective manner.

Ahmadinejad: "Their (media) influence has grown so much and so deep that they introduce the worst criminals as the men of peace and introduce the most oppressed and the most peace-loving humans as belligerent individuals.

They introduce the oppressed Palestinian people, who are under the heaviest pressures and economic siege and are assassinated and suppressed in their occupied homes, as terrorists and introduce criminal occupiers as peace-seeking individuals who are right."

He also said that bullying powers make use of media to make people continuously experience a transient feeling of excitement so that they don't find an opportunity to think of their national and spiritual wealth.

Ahmadinejad: "They humiliate our nations continuously in order to shatter our people's self-confidence and to make them disappointed at their historical background. They introduce themselves as invincible and portray the ideals of our nations as unachievable."

He said bullying powers seek to portray an integrated picture of hegemonic powers while they sow seeds of discord and magnify the differences existing among neighbors and even among people who belong to different ethnicities but live in the form of one nation.

Elsewhere, the Iranian president viewed dissemination of information as a vital need for every society, and called on the Asian media to provide correct and proper information for their audience and viewers.

He urged eastern media to concentrate their efforts on demonstrating the prominent characteristics of the oriental civilization in their programs, reminding that friendship, justice-seeking, peace-loving and salvation were the key points of the oriental culture and civilization.

The president said that eastern media should try to present those characteristics in their programs."

Sort of like a FREE PRESS, huh?