Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Get a Clue

"Maybe they are Right, Despite the Evidence, Is that True?

Dog Poet Transmitting......


It’s also time to speak courageously and directly about the oppression and control of the world’s people by the forces in concert with the Zionist Jews and those that serve and assist them and whoever else is in it too and call them for what they are and tell the proven truth, about transparent lies concerning fictitious exclusivity and events and not be in fear of the consequences when the truth is evident. We need to publicly demand that no politicians anywhere be elected who supports Israel, period, and declare who owns the media and what that means and how they came into control of that and everything else by controlling the money and printing it and providing it to themselves and then loaning it out to everyone else to control what they have and what they do and then playing with the financial system to destroy the value of their efforts and properties to control and enslave them. This is what they do.

It’s time to take this slur of anti-Semitism and say it’s a badge of honor and say that at least you’re not a slave to their obvious lies and only a fool or a coward cares what anyone calls them, when you can prove the truth that you don’t care what they pretend they are, you just care about what they do… and that they are not Semitic anyway that the Palestinians are the original inhabitants of the land and that the DNA tests prove it so call me what you like and that power is on the way to being turned against them and nail them on what is provably true and write and sing and say it, because what use is your life anyway, if you live in subjugation to them? Is it going to improve for you? Is that their intention? That’s not what they do. Look at what is inescapably evident and tell yourself the truth. It gets very clear, very quick what is really going on, when you take the time to look.

I’ve seen some people lately who say it. They probably don’t know why. There’s been Mel Gibson, Helen Thomas, Oliver Stone and others and then they apologize. That’s a cringing cowards way to sell your ass to protect some employment, or whatever you think you might lose. Some of these people quit their positions or were forced out regardless and still apologized when what they said was true. I don’t even have to prove it but I damn well can. It’s demonstrably evident and time and destiny have got your back. Is this what you want to see about yourself? Do you want to see that you defended a lie whose intention was to destroy you? What are you saying? “Kill me anyway but let me provide you some cover when you do”? Isn’t this getting through? Is your life worth living in any case?

This gets back to the rotating cycle of slavery to forces that seem to rule the temporary world. It gets back to that Christian thing where they talk about who they serve and then make some deal with the world to pretend to be an example of someone who spoke against this very same thing. Ask yourself what you believe in and whether this actually means anything. Ask yourself if your integrity and honor are worth sacrificing to survive under the heel of your oppressor so that you can stay alive? Is it really in their hands?

Is there some kind of arrangement that guarantees that you are going to get eternal life if you spend this one on your knees, before the one’s who do not have the power to grant it, whether it exists or not? Do you hire a burglar to protect your house? I look at the multitude of obvious, in your face, realities that are all examples against every argument that is used to defend your cowardice and lack of faith in yourself and what is supposed to be motivating you. I can prove it from any perspective. I can explain your condition in respect of everything and have you agree it’s absolutely so. If you’re not asleep then what must you be thinking? You deny the truth to save your life? Why do you die in their wars? You want to be free? Why do you deny your right to express it? What the fuck is wrong with you? There are centuries of examples. This tiny group of whatever they are has been thrown out of every country for the same reasons. Was this all a mistake?

Who caused the Bolshevik revolution? Who killed so many Russians?” Who declared war on Germany because he did something about their money? Who controls the banks and politicians? Who finances all the wars for economic profit? Are there other forces too? Then call them on it. Don’t work for them. Don’t vote for them. Don’t pay taxes. They use that money against you. What the fuck is wrong with you? Their system cannot work without your compliance. They cannot exist without your support. Don’t give them another dime. How many of you have lost your jobs and homes for no reason except so that they could squeeze all that was left in you into more obscene profits? How much do they need?


You had better start speaking out. You had better stop cooperating....

You had better get a clue.
