Monday, April 5, 2010

Dog Poet Droppings

This guy has been on a powerhouse roll lately, folks.

"Shades of Gray and the Abattoir Stench

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

Sucking up to Israel and messing with the balance of world harmony- inasmuch as such a thing exists- comes at great cost. Sarkozy got hammered in his regional election and now he’s a duck with a big cast on his leg. They went after Berlusconi and Berlusconi won his regionals. I don’t know if Berlusconi and I could sit down for a glass of Campari- like the one I’m having right now- but he’s a good friend of Putin’s so it could be I don’t get certain things and that’s what I want to talk about today.

Unlike some amount of readers here and many, many more people everywhere else, I understand the dimensions of Realpolitick. There is no question in my mind that most people need to be led and governed. The absence of government is chaos, until government comes back in anyway, after a lot of bloodshed and torment. I understand the basic corruptions of government and the kind of taking care of business that leads to the rewards that first attracted people into government in the first place.

To be perfectly honest, I don’t mind people lining their pockets a little, if they also see to the general welfare. When I worked in the restaurant and bar business there was always a degree of theft. My personal margin was ten percent. I’d let people steal ten percent and that created a kind of lassez faire situation that worked. I could always add ten percent to the cost of food and drinks to even it out and... let’s face it; the good people who work their asses off in the trade don’t make much. This is not an excuse for theft but merely a way of dealing with reality. Meanwhile, the people at the top of the food chain are stealing a lot more and killing people while they do it.

What I’m trying to say and, speaking only for myself, is that I like to keep a certain amount of tolerance in the works and close my eyes to various elements of human frailty because, “there but for fortune goes I”. Don’t ever get in the habit of being too harsh a judge of your fellows. It WILL come back on you.

If someone starts to steal more than I already let them steal, then a conversation could take place. The thing that most thieves don’t get is that there are only so many ways to steal and there are professionals who can identify the who and how.

What I’m getting around to is that, regardless of what we tell ourselves, we accept a certain amount of lying media info. We are also hamstrung by what we don’t know and that is a lot more than we do know. You try governing a large country and see how you do. For this reason I am warm toward Putin. As far as I am concerned, things could be a lot worse right now if not for him. There are a few other world leaders that are doing their job as well. They might be a little heavy handed at times and they might be feathering their nest a bit but they are doing the right thing most of the time.

The true art of governing is to keep the opposing forces focused on each other and not on you. The true art of governing makes sure that the people at the bottom are not in an awful state. Certain limitations exist in the lives of the poor and they have to live with that. There should always be food, housing and medicine though. These basics should be there because they can be there and because it is the right thing to do. I’m poor by most standards but I don’t want anything, so I guess I’m actually rich.

Most people are poor because of too many desires and the inability to concentrate on necessary things until some excess appears; don’t go giving me some liberal lecture now. It’s all fine and good to wish for and work for a better world but only a fool doesn’t recognize the world they live in. The number one problem for most people is an inability to see reality. They are enamored of the ideal to the distress of the real. Of course, none of it is real but that’s a metaphysical construct and only applies to a few of us and even fewer actually live with the understanding.

This is not meant to be an apology for wrong doing. I have to repeat myself because some people just won’t get it. There is no white and black in the relative, phenomenal world, only shades of gray. There is a white and black that broadcasts from other zones into this world and that accounts for why some people are better than they might have been and worse than they might have been. When I look at the world, I see a magical war in operation. The outcome is always the same and the outcome is never in doubt but the time frame makes us despair of justice. Justice gets done. You don’t always see it getting done because all of it doesn’t get done here.

Why I am writing about this is because I have been thinking about the UN Security Council and Iran as well as what is going on behind the scenes. The news reports that so and so said this and that. The news reports that certain countries are going to do this and that. The news reports these things because the people controlling the news want public opinion swayed in a certain direction in order to pressure the policies of various nations. This is why you see these useless phony polls that never go away. They state that public opinion is such and such by so many percentage points. It’s all a load of horseshit but people read it and believe it.

I’m okay with the lies of this world up to a point. I’m okay with the greater freedoms of the rich and the closer confinements of the poor. These two shift positions via reincarnation, so maybe they learn their lessons and maybe they don’t. That’s how this world is. This world is not a paradise and even in a golden age there are problems and places you would rather not be. One can live according to the highest standards they can imagine but... they cannot expect the world to follow.

We don’t know what the ruler(s) of Russia and China are actually thinking and saying to their western adversaries or to each other. You can be sure of one thing though, they are not going to endanger their country by bending over for the worst excuse for a super power since I don’t know when. The irony is that this turned-out super power is under the control of a criminal enterprise, masquerading as a country It shouldn’t go unnoticed either.

In the final analysis, Rothschildlandia is the enemy of every other country on Earth and an enemy to humanity in general. The walls they are building around their ever expanding empire should be built much higher and completely encircle them; not to protect them from non existent threats that are fabricated by rockets fired into empty lots by agents of Rothschildlandia ...but to protect everyone else. Every country in the world should cut off diplomatic relations with them and refuse to trade with them period. This might wake their psychopathic asses up and keep in mind that nothing that is done to them will make things any worse because they already intend the worst. This is a, foaming at the mouth, mad dog that requires quarantine. They orchestrated and carried out the 9/11 attacks as well as the London Tube bombings and I’ve little doubt they were also behind just about everything else. Their involvement in human trafficking, pornography and hard drug trafficking is well known.

It’s time the world woke up to the fact that the world’s greatest victims, heading the world’s biggest victim industry are not victims at all. Everyone else is the victim of this outsize crocodile looking to swallow the world. Now we have to watch, yet again, as they pummel Gaza for no reason at all, while the usual cowards stand mute. Like I say, I can tolerate a certain amount of play in the moral compass of planetary enterprise but I draw the line when it comes to bloodstained murders burning, pillaging and then crying out in pain as if it were the real victims fault. Whatever the real truth of their historical excuse for acting like vicious beasts, they exhausted any currency there might have been long ago. The world owes them nothing... except withering contempt.

Sooner or later the worm is going to turn and there will be no sympathy anywhere for these despicable creatures. Sooner or later they’re going to find there is a divine being, besides the vampire, cannibal demon they serve. It’s clear who their god is. Every time they have a religious holiday, they attack and murder defenseless people as a sacrifice. It’s happened too often to be coincidence by now.

End Transmission.......


And look what I found digging in the yard

"Up Around the Bending End

Dog Poet Transmitting…….

I haven’t seen or heard or read any news in 3 weeks; no idea what’s going on out there. There’s no internet here because Telecom is browbeating all applicants for internet service into signing up with them and not responding to calls for service from providers. This is a new trick that’s come around lately and should be a warning to all not to switch your provider unless you have to. It might have been foolish of us to attempt to do this just to get a faster speed and a more comprehensive package but you live and learn or you don’t.

I’ve turned my hand to other things that the blog and radio efforts had pushed to the sidelines and am glad for it. In the meantime, the mind speculates about the world beyond the doorstep and it probes at all the information that has passed through it over recent years. What I was and what I knew five years ago are no longer what they were. Some things are far clearer today than they were in former times.

Without the daily input of information, this mind has been sifting and probing and consolidating from the warp and woof of what had come to its attention previously and certain things stand out above all else in the process. What is irrefutably clear to me at this moment is that the governments of the United States, England and Israel are the greatest looming dangers to the welfare of humanity across this round and still spinning planet. Humanity has always had its enemies. Sometimes it’s been rampaging warlords or a tandem of countries enflamed with nationalism and sometimes it’s been organized religion. Sometimes it’s been all of them and more. Most of the time it’s ignorance, no matter how you dress it up. What ‘was’ is useful for what can be learned from the past but… nothing in the past can ever be as much of a concern as what is contained in the present and what that implies for the future.

Here are some of the things I have learned and here are some of the things I can see in front of me…

The City in London is the financial center for the world. Israel is not a nation but a criminal enterprise. America, the land of the free, is now the birthplace of the new tyranny, proving that opposites attract and turn into each other. Of course… a nation claiming to be based on personal liberty and democratic principles that never really was, might only have reached the time to be revealed for what it has always been. Just ask any Native American, African American, Chinese or Japanese immigrant.

Whatever may be the truth of ‘the’ Holocaust, it is now clear that the effort to cause it was set into motion and financed by representatives of the very people now claiming special victimhood due to it. It was engineered in order to gain control of a certain piece of real estate for the purpose of manifesting a criminal operation under the guise of a sovereign nation. Whatever may be the truth of ‘the’ Holocaust, it is an inescapable truth that any time you make it against the law to question something, there is a good reason to question it. Whatever may be the truth about ‘the’ Holocaust, it is clear that it turned into an industry of intimidation and blackmail. It is also clear that there cannot be anywhere from twice as many to ten times as many Holocaust survivors today as there were on the day the camps were liberated. Math doesn’t work like that. It is the most dreadful of ironies that today the same injuries are being performed upon a captive population by the people claiming the same injuries to have been previously practiced on them.

There are no justifications and there are no arguments or excuses that can be applied in the defense of this evil behavior. It is what it is.

Do not trouble your minds as to how it is possible for human beings to behave this way. They are not human beings. The governments of England, the United States and Israel are in the hands of psychopaths and whores. It is true that there are draconian and malicious governments in other places. It is true that there are odious creatures in operation in places all around the world but… they are not threatening the entire world. They are not manipulating the entire world. They are not in a position to finance world wide terror and then blame it on the Muslims in order to systematically exterminate millions of people.

Why are the Muslims targeted? They oppose usury for one thing and… they do not go willingly into the fleshpots and amusement centers being operated by those seeking to destroy them and who use these allurements to stupefy and enslave everyone else. They do not recognize temporal authority as the highest court.

Are there corrupt and violent Muslims? Of course. The same could be said about Hindus and Buddhists. Christianity… as an organized entity, is already hand in glove with the temporal authority. Muslims are dangerous to the corporate and banking interests, employed in the effort toward world domination, because they don’t want to play ball. Besides the fact that The Saudis control Hollywood (snicker, nudge nudge, wink wink)) they pretty much stay out of those areas of sensory magic. They are not marketplace oriented. They are not worshipping the corporate gods. It’s more than that but you all know what the ‘more than that’ is so I don’t have to go into it.

Murdering members of a captive people for their body parts and… attacking your own country and killing the people you were sworn to protect, in an effort to imprison them with fear of a manufactured enemy, for the purpose of personal power and personal gain are just some of the signs and wonders of the time. Then to attack other nations, which were blamed for the acts you committed, in order to not only plunder those nations but to also profit from the fruits of war and the sale of armaments are some other signs and wonders. Controlling the means of food production, while perverting the natural virtue of the food in order to price fix and gouge the consumer is another wonder. Drowning the world in dangerous pharmaceuticals, while controlling the illegal drug industry at the same time, is another wonder …but the greatest wonder is that it is just business as usual and the protagonists are looked upon as the leaders and shepherds of humanity. These are some of the things I have learned and the things I have seen.

would have attacked Iran already but someone or several someone’s is hampering or hindering them and one suspects Obama may play some part in that. The truth is that though many leaders may be 90% corrupt and 90% blind, the remaining 10% of their character and faculties does have an effect on the way things sort out so… it’s not a wide stretch to expect the Mafioso from the world’s largest crime syndicate (masquerading as a nation) to be plotting his departure. It’s not a stretch to imagine they had this in mind sometime earlier because what else could explain the presence of a dung beetle like Joe Biden in the VP slot? Every day he looks more like LBJ waiting for Mannlicher Carcano to say his name. You might be able to separate unpleasant, sold out opportunists into two particular camps; jerks and assholes but one thing you can say in Biden’s favor is… he’s not a jerk.

Not being exposed to the news every day makes the news you’ve seen before come together with itself and multiply into all sorts of possible, future scenarios through the mind projector throwing the images on the internal screen.

There’s just no telling what’s coming and every single one of us could be wrong about that. It’s altogether possible we are/ but… getting the past and present wrong is as impressive a feat as predicting the future and that gets pulled off by most people every single day.

Why do we go right on believing the same old lies, getting taken in by the same old lures and continue to make the same old mistakes, day after day through the course of a compromised and unfulfilled existence? Why do we punish ourselves and each other so relentlessly? Why do we stand by and let injustice be done in our names or, even worse, applaud it?

Why do we humiliate ourselves in front of each other and compromise the ones we love in the pursuit of useless crap and temporary idylls with strangers who should have remained strangers but result in our becoming one? Neither a person nor a nation becomes enslaved until they cease to be their own master and ‘eternal vigilance’ is an internal thing.

I’ve done some stupid things in this life through being deceived by others or through deceiving myself. A lot of that turned out to be a good thing because I learned from the experience and “the thrill is gone” as my friend BB would say. These days I marvel at those with so much more power, influence and opportunity than I who just don’t get it. They’ve got the benefit of those great educations and all those canny advisors and experts and they just don’t get it. They just don’t get it but… they will. They will.

End Transmission…….
