Thursday, August 11, 2011

Banker Thugs Are the Problem

"The Black Swan is on the Wing

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

'May your noses always be cold and wet.'

Monday is here but I am six hours ahead of the US and it is morning here, so there’s no news to speak of yet. There will be. This is a little dated, by about a week, Max Keiser
nails the situation; a little mellower than he has been of late. It’s clear as crystal that the root of all evil is exactly that and those in whom it is blooming are the enemy of humanity. The bankers are the problem. The bankers manufacture recessions and depressions to exert a greater control over social and political structures. The bankers create and finance the wars on both sides of the conflicts. The bankers orchestrate famine, poverty and want. The bankers control the policies that control the media and the education system that is operated to maintain ignorance in the public so that they can be shorn like sheep. The bankers launder the drug money and keep drugs illegal. The bankers are the problem.

The international banker is the scum of the Earth and they have to be brought to account. What will accomplish this? There are several possibilities. One of them is a real run on Wall Street, where the public goes into their offices and dispenses frontier justice on their person. The other is some kind of cosmic intrusion of forces that I won’t begin to speculate on and the other is some kind of financial miracle in which they actually wind up broke but I don’t know how something like that would work. The most likely is a combination of the first two, where the second channels through the first. Once the cost of food, lodging and fuel hits a certain point, the public will be universally galvanized by the force that builds up from the pressure of their asses against the wall.

We can be there in a few days. Once the system begins to collapse, it will have its own speed of free fall
and things will move at a spectacular rate of change. It will be like the way weather can suddenly transform in the South Seas. At the point when this begins to occur the probability of global conflict will accelerate to maximum thrust. This is the primary truth about imperial currency activity, when the money goes south, violent attention goes east.

Yes, maybe it will all just limp along on crutches, while plastered with Band-Aids but that goes contrary to the mathematics. You can spread the numbers only so thinly or you can only press them together so much and you’re going to get holes appearing in the net all over the place or you are going to get implosion. Do I have any idea of what I am talking about? It is possible that I do not. There’s an area where allegorical poetry gains a mystical influx of metaphysical certainty that is no different from theoretical physics, where theory is just another word for things we don’t want to accept as inevitable. Maybe freedom’s just another word for no one left to screw.

It stands to reason that sooner or later, the public will have no further option but to declare open season on the bankers. They’ll be hunted down as the ‘be all and end all’ of everything dangerous and wrong. They are a plague and a pestilence as bad as any epidemic. They are the whiskey and yellow fever blankets on the reservations of ordinary life. They are anthrax masquerading as Sweet and Low. They are the long standing source of the majority of humanities problems and have little competition except for the ubiquitous presence of ignorance and impossible dreams. Whoever these bankers are that is who they are.

When the shit hits the fan, as it is going to do at any moment, the guilt of the bankers is going to stand out like zits on a beauty queen. The transformation in the mind of the public is going to be immediate. People watch the news and though it is nothing more than garbage and lies, the players have all been seen there. They’ve been seen in Congress and they’ve been seen wherever the lies created to defend them have been publicized. They are a known quantity.

There is no argument of any kind that can be used to generate sympathy for the bankers, who are either behind or finance every outrage against the public that is in existence. Now their day is at hand and they show no signs of having any kind of a clue. They sit at their vanities and admire their image like Marie Antoinette. They whoop it up like Louis the sixteenth in Versailles, surrounded by gold leaf wallpaper and sycophants, while they diddle the sons and daughters of a dying empire that they brought to this pass.

There is mercy to be found here but none of it can be for the bankers who have acted with none, in their intentional efforts to beggar, mutilate, maim and destroy anyone and everyone who is not them. That mercy is for the public who like Lefty, “only did what he had to do”.

I try to get my heart and my head around it. I try to see an out for everyone but the only out I can see for the bankers is, ‘out of our lives’ and marched still living through the Gates of Hell, where they can reunion with the banker in chief. I’m not the judge or executioner. I’m an observer who’s never had enough money to even think about banks in the first place....  


"High Thuggery and Criminal Skullduggery

Dog Poet Transmitting.......

'May your noses always be cold and wet'.

As we scan the gutter press of the self styled elite, we see the usual buzzwords of ‘mindless thugs’, ‘criminal elements’, ‘looters’ and what have you. Most of us wouldn’t engage in looting. Some of us have enough that we have no predilection for looting and some of us (myself included) don’t care enough about the items to want them that badly. These ‘mindless thugs’ are painted as career opportunists, who are only looking for a chance to break the law but, that begs the question; why haven’t they been at it full time all along?

Since we’re on the subject of thugs; what about banker thugs? How many banker thugs are in jail for the mindless violence they have caused? Clearly the banker thugs are the primary motivator of the street thugs, because the life necessaries of the street thugs have been systematically removed from the streets, to the degree that crime is the only option, because there are no jobs there and there is no education on offer, because these thugs are not an operative part of the system of the banker thugs. Of course, these individuals from the street could not be part of their system and were never intended to be part of their system because, lacking the programmed, brainwashing education necessary, they are too smart to buy into it in the first place.

How many banker thugs, corporation thugs, Wall Street and The City thugs are moving through the court system, or presently incarcerated for crimes against humanity? How many political thugs are in similar straits? How many members of the military, industrial complex are in the docks? How many of the Zionist, false flag, performance artists
behind 9/11, 7/7 and The Madrid Train Station bombing are facing charges anywhere? How many of those who orchestrated the gratuitous wars against Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Libya are being held to account for murdering and displacing millions of Muslims to serve the Zionist imperative? The high mucky mucks are engaged in selective thug enforcement.

The reality is that we live in a criminal society. Shit flows downhill. Corruption at the top ensures corruption at the bottom. Why should street thugs not steal and why should they get the bare subsistence jobs that turn into a variation on ‘theft of services’, when the same thing is taking place at a much higher level, in the ranks of those above them, whose operations are creating the conditions that the people in the street are rioting against? You can make all kinds of arguments against the reality of this condition but, slice it anyway you like, it’s the reason for it. We can wring our hands all we like and cry out that honest people don’t do these sorts of things but, honesty is for chumps in this time and place. Honesty is where you pull your pants down to be of assistance to the high born thugs, whose purpose is to sodomize you senseless. The street criminals insist that you pull down their pants by force. This serves the passionate preferences of people like Strauss-Khan, so it’s win-win for the banker, booty bandits either way. You bend over in anticipating acquiescence, with the de rigueur deliquescence, or you fight the ass raping by some means of personal initiative.

Max Keiser offers some very interesting information, with the assistance of his co-host and a very savvy guest and
if you’ve got 25 minutes, it’s compelling. It looks like J.P. Morgan and a host of others are due for a dip in the cosmic hog lagoons. You will remember that J.P. Morgan is a branch of Rothschild Enterprises and has been for a long time, all the way back to when they pulled this crap the last time. There are tributaries of urine running down the Armani pants legs of our betters, or there soon will be.

They think their next, necessarily spectacular, false flag efforts are going to sway or sidetrack the course of justice in its approach. As the onset of The Apocalypse intensifies, it carries with it ever higher risks of misfortune and exposure for the werewolves and vampires, who serve evil for the ‘good’ that it brings them. Whatever they do is going to go belly up and stink in the sun, just like all of their victims in The Gulf of Mexico. How many murderous BP thugs are facing charges or in any danger of them? How many members of General Electric and Japanese traitors are under arrest for their nuclear malfunctions and placement stupidities; not to mention all of the other associated crimes, which are going to result in the deaths of millions or tens of millions? How many corporate, Ted Bundy’s from Monsanto are being charged with poisoning the world?

If there’s no interest or ambition in prosecuting those who have turned the world into a crime theme, amusement park for their own profit and amusement, then there’s no reason to consider those at the bottom of the pecking order, whose crimes are chicken shit, compared to the pterodactyl shit of their self-appointed betters.

When the ordinary channels of social justice are blocked and compromised by weasel lawyers, employed as plumbers by financial cannibals, then mob justice is required. Make no mistake, all of the psychopathic operations already mentioned, intend nothing less than death and servitude for the masses. They are already about it with a vigor, made all the more desperate because of an awakening fear that they race against, because of the certainty that it will unhorse them and leave them trembling in their combustible fortresses. The winds of change are about to turn into tornadoes of retribution.

It looks like death and worse is coming to the landlords and banks that turn the warm heart cold and terrorize the soul. At any point along the way, any of them could do the right thing but it’s not in the nature of most of them and that is how they came to be what they are in the first place. For the rest, it’s the season of the whistleblower. They’ve been able to silence and compromise this feature until now but the desperation of the circumstances now makes such tactics impossible to manage in all the necessary locations.

Woe to you, you enablers and apologists, you who toss around phrases like ‘mindless thugs’, while you serve the mindful thugs, whose crimes are stratospheric by comparison; you worthless whores of journalism and you violent enforcers of bankrupt laws against the peoples of the world. You armed thugs of law enforcement and the despicable officers of compromised court systems are going to find that your power and authority have been rendered into nothing but the crushing weight of your own guilt and the following panic of ‘nowhere to run and nowhere to hide’.

A new day is arriving and no one can say how it will manifest but several things are certain. As the institutions that have oppressed humanity are deprived of their force, those who have served them become vulnerable wherever they are. As the veils are lifted from the suffocating lies that have confused and abused the people, all the arguments in defense of them are made mute. As the will to serve the beast is withdrawn, as if by magic, the hands on the guns and the fountain pens that sign the orders are going to be deprived of their capacity to continue. Then where will you be? Where will you be? You’d better get a clue while there is still time. The hands of the cosmic clock are on the move. Lay down your guns and fountain pens now. Step away from your newsroom desks and computers. Step away from your seats in the assemblies of government. Step away from your centers of spying and lying and perverted groping of the bodies of your fellows. Step away from the fly-blown toilet that gives you your marching orders on the blasted battlefields in the countries of the defenseless. Step away from your places in the banks and brokerages and return what you have stolen to the people you have stolen it from before it is ripped from your possession along with your lives and souls. The hour of your doom approaches.
