Friday, February 8, 2008

The Qana Massacres

More disturbing pictures of Israeli atrocities!

"QANA Massacres by Israel"


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IN 1996


- In a Bombed Ambulance at Mansouri village 8 civilians were killed, including 2 mothers and their 4 children.

- At the UNIFIL (United Nations International Forces Interim Lebanon) base in Qana, 106 civilian refugees were killed and 351 injured, mostly children, women and old men. This New Massacre by "Israel" was called the Holocaust of the year 1996.

All these Innocent Civilians were killed by the I.O.F. ("Israeli" Occupation Forces), which occupied the South of Lebanon from the 14th of March 1978 til the 24th of May 2000.


- "Israel" never paid a compensation to the families of the killed and the injured for the great human loss and the huge material damage caused over the many years of continuous Aggression on Lebanon.

- For many years, hundreds of Lebanese Civilians suffered from vicious ways of torturing by the "Israeli" army in many concentration camps in Khiam (Occupied Zone) and in Adlit (Northern Israel).

- "Israel" never willfully implemented a single United Nations Resolution (UNR), nor was forced by the International Community to comply with the UNRs and thus remains in defiance and keeps getting away with it. Long Live Double Standards! Long Live Democracy!

- "Israel's" main intentions throughout the years, no matter what excuses have been used!, is to steal the water of the Litani River and the Fertile Soil of the South, and to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon to bring the country down to a zero-level. This way "Israel" can take Lebanon's leading position as a commerial, banking and financial center in the Middle East.

- The South of Lebanon is "Israel's" testing field for the newest and the internationally restricted and banned weapons that the "Israeli" Army usually receives for Free!.

- "Israel" systematically drives the Arabs into "Armed Struggle" by massacring, detaining and torturing their Loved Ones as well as occupying, destroying and confiscating their Homes and Lands. Thus making them Homeless and calling them "Refugees" in their Own Land, in their Birthplace!

- The Occupation of other People's Land is in no doubt an Act of Terrorism!

- Those who commit Crimes against Humanity and claim to be victims of a Holocaust are worse than the Nazis!

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IN 2006

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Ten years after its first Qana Massacre in 1996 at the U.N. Base in Qana Village, "Israel" kills more than 63 Lebanese refugees including 42 children at the same Village.

Just the day before on July 29th, "Israel" rejected a request by the U.N. for a three-day Cease-fire in Lebanon to deliver humanitarian supplies and allow civilians to leave the war zone.

Five days ago on July 25th, the "israeli" air force deliberately bombed a U.N. base at Khiam Village in South Lebanon killing four United Nations observers. The victims were Nationals of Austria, Canada, China and Finland. The U.N. failed to condemn "Israel" for the killings due to the U.S. pressure.

Seven days ago on July 23rd, the "israeli" Army targeted two Lebanese Red Cross Ambulances in Qana Village. Five of the LRC volunteers and three patients were wounded in the attack.

Again and as expected, the U.N. failed to condemn "Israel" for the Qana Massacre due to the U.S. pressure. The U.N. expressed its "shock" for this Crime against Humanity. It is the maximum that the U.N. can say or do after being hijacked by USA.

The Innocent Lebanese Civilians were killed at Qana by using MK-84 Laser Guided Bombs (LGB) with BSU-37/B (Bomb Stabilization Units). These Bombs are Precision-Guided Munition (PGM) and were manufactured by the U.S. Company Raytheon for the U.S. Navy and Air Force.
The MK-84 LGB, which weights 2000 lbs (907 kg) and has 948 lbs (430 kg) explosive power, features accuracy, reliability and cost-effectiveness previously unobtainable in conventional weapons.

The Innocent Refugees were chased from Home to Home, destroying each Home they hid in, until they reached the edge of Qana Village where they were targeted around 1 o'clock after mid-night. The MK-84 Bombs were dropped by US-Made F16s warplanes and Laser-guided by US-Made Apache helicopters that followed the Civilians.

Experts think that there was also some sort of a Poisonous Gas involved in the Massacre because many of the bodies did not have injuries and the Victims appeared to have suffered an Instant Death.

The second Qana Massacre was designed as one of many Scenarios for an Exit Strategy to show the World that "Israel" was not Defeated but had to Quit the War due to a Series of "Grave Errors". Note that the "israeli" Aggression on Lebanon in 1996 was halted after the first Qana Massacre.

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For more pictures and info, visit: QANA"

Click on this link to see a huge spread of photographs from Lebanon:

"Lebanon 2006 - Never To Be Forgotten"