Friday, February 29, 2008

Hey, Taxi!

The reader's choice for whose cab they would prefer to ride in:

Jim -- 14 votes (42%); remember the episode where Jim brought in the most money as a goal, and then bought a home entertainment system? Remember how he had sandwiches and coffee in the cab, and serenaded the guests? Is that why Jim won?

Latka -- 8 votes (24%); It certainly would be an experience, especially if Vic or Alex showed up (remember the split-personality Latka that acted like Alex in front of Alex at the psychiatrist's office? One of the finest acting jobs I've ever seen)

Alex -- 3 votes (9%)

Louie -- 3 votes (9%)

Elaine -- 2 votes (6%); Louie got more votes than Elaine?

Simka -- 2 votes (6%)

Tony -- 1 vote (3%)

Bobby -- 0 votes (0%); No one would take a ride from Bobby?

Also see

Survey Says... !

Barney Miller Poll Results