Thursday, February 28, 2008

Why is Hillary Clinton Hiding Her Tax Returns?

And then she has the gall to speak the way she does on the campaign trail?

"Clinton holding off on release of tax returns"

CLEVELAND - Hillary Clinton said she won't release her tax returns until she has the Democratic presidential nomination in hand, and not before tax-filing time comes in mid-April.

"I will release my tax returns," Clinton said during a debate Tuesday night with Democratic rival Barack Obama. "I have consistently said I will do that once I become the nominee, or even earlier."

Pressed about the timing of releasing her tax returns, campaign aides were more reticent, indicating that Clinton would not release the sensitive financial data during a hotly contested primary, but only at tax-filing time (AP)."

Of course, the web version cuts the part where it says "Obama has released his tax returns."

Final nails being driven into the MSM newspaper coffin, readers.

"For Ohio win, Clinton banks on the disaffected"

"by Scott Helman, Globe Staff | February 28, 2008

ZANESVILLE, Ohio - .... Senator Hillary Clinton, at an economic summit she convened here with Ohio's governor, Ted Strickland, and a host of other political and business leaders from across the country:

"It's time that we had a president who's going to be a fighter and a champion for our people again."

.... Her goal was to demonstrate her mastery of the economy, economic development, and job creation, and to show her capacity for empathy.

Translation: More EMOTIONAL MANIPULATION by Ms. Hitlery!

What a piece of worm-ridden filth she is, huh, readers?

She said she would wake up every day in the White House and ask:

"What are we going to do today to improve the lives of hard-working Americans?"

Is keeping a LYING OCCUPATION going helping them?

Clinton vowed to reinvest in manufacturing and reiterated her pledge to create 5 million jobs, and she cited Germany's public investments in solar power as a model:

"The government said, 'Look, we've got to help start the market for this.' "

So much for free markets.

Still convinced Ms. Hitlery isn't the Bliderberg's Globalist candidate, readers?

.... Clinton vowed to "close every tax loophole that gives one penny of your tax dollars to any company that exports jobs."

What, after your husband worked so hard to get NAFTA and GATT through?


.... Two of the featured speakers were a couple from Dayton, Robert Landry and Beth Dlabay, who had lost their home to foreclosure on Christmas Eve....

I love the subtle description.

Lost their homes, as if they somehow just can't find them.

The banks TOOK IT!

Merry Christmas!

Clinton acknowledged the economic challenges facing Ohio, but she also sounded, as any presidential candidate would, a bullish note about America's prospects:

"At the end of the day we have to decide what kind of future we want. It doesn't happen by coincidence. It's our chance now to seize the 21st century."

That just sent a chill up my spine!