Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not Liking the Love Story

I saw it last night at the local echo chamber, I mean movie house. I thought I would share some thoughts. I didn't take any notes or anything, so the impressions are off the cuff and I may not remember everything. As expected, it did not top Sicko; however, I was surprised that it really came nowhere near it.

I guess Moore got off on the wrong foot with me when he described the '50s in such glowing fashion as the CIA was running amok in the world. He failed to draw the parallel of western corporate exploitation in the Third-World for resources that led to many western riches, although at least back then we had an industrial and resource base here in America. That is gone now. What America is going through -- engineered and designed by the same people in charge of "fixing" the problem -- is what it has inflicted upon so many nations. AmeriKa is being turned into a low-wage nation making products for export. There is no growth here now -- in fact, the contractions continue.

One glaring omission was that he never went near the Fed (as well as Ron Paul's invisibility). In fact, Moore seemed to be advocating for more taxes and government control and that disturbed me. There was never a inkling that the income tax is illegal and how working people would keep much more of their money! Mike never strayed into the Constitution and the Congress' right, nay, obligation, nay, DUTY to REGULATE COIN -- particularly as the PRIVATE banks that MAKE LOANS to government charge USURIOUS INTEREST RATES to ALL! I guess the idea that government in AmeriKa these days is somehow looking out for the good of the people after all the looting and lies is no longer valid for me. I believed once, Mike, but that was a long time ago.

I'm not going to criticize the cookie-cutter quality of the film (Moore's documentary style and template is repetitive), and it did have its moments. Airline pilots on food stamps? A McDonald's manager making more than a pilot? Companies cleaning up on dead worker insurance policies? Some of the inane blather coming from a Congress on the take? The flashback to a year ago? All got me to sit up in my chair and irately bang the armrest. The images of so many boarded-up houses was a stark reminder of the reality out there. I found myself laughing out loud at some of the more outrageous corruptions, but not because I thought they were funny.

I wish Moore had delved into the crucial role of debt more. The airline pilots and others mentioned the crippling school loans (WTF is with that, anyway?), but more never traveled down the road of public debt and how taxpayers are being taken to the cleaners by state governments that got involved in all the credit-default swaps and derivatives. Actually, I thought he muddled the whole thing by trying to get Wall Street gasbags to explain it. Think of them as a turd cut into pieces and then sold as filet mignon. You see who garnered the fees. It is no wonder they are doing so well! His failure to explore the dollar's declining value also troubled me, as it is a direct result of the debt-strapping stimulus and Fed's flooding of dollars into the economy.

But when a fine lady like Marcy Kaptur is trotted out -- as well meaning as she is, and as correct as she is about a "financial coup" -- my heart kind of sunk. It was the same feeling I had when I found out other bad news about another well-meaning lady (as well as alleged "antiwar" congressman). In fact, the focus on the politicians -- while correct since they are forsaking their oath and public duty -- was a bit diversionary. As we see every day, they rage, they rail (like someone else I know), but in the end nothing has been done, nothing will be done. Politicians talk good for the cameras, but they are holding hands with the banksters behind closed doors. Heck, he didn't even get near the intentional engineering of the crisis on Bush's part.

His conclusion that the antidote to capitalism -- as he defined it -- is democracy perplexed me. Democracy is a political system, and has had NO EFFECT on what he is talking about. If it had, the first bailout never would have passed! I was part of those who called, Mike, and not just my own district! And I don't think AmeriKa is even a democracy (never was, it's a Republic); more like a fascist state now -- the blending of corporate and state interests.

Now maybe he was advocating for a capitalist democracy (seemed that way when he favorably advocated for Germany's unions) or he's for democratic socialism (he did bring up the fraud Bernie Sanders); however, neither of those address the private banking control of the economy. We don't really need another system, as much as we need the one we have to be enforced -- and that means an end to the Fed!

Many other reviewers have noted the lack of references to the Zionist Jewish influence and control over the banking sector, and I noticed as well. It did not surprise me because as the opening credits were rolling I noticed that the movie was backed by the Weinstein Group. That also explains the limited hangout on 9/11.

Look, Moore seems like a well-meaning guy who cares; however, he is not helping by telling half-truths or covering up deeper ones. Of course, if he were to venture into those places his movies would stop getting picked up by (Jewish) distribution networks of the (Zionist) American MSM.

This review in no way impacts the tremendous job he did on "Sicko." That is his masterpiece, and Moore should be proud of that work. Too bad I don't trust this government to deliver what others do.

Falling Out of Love With Michael Moore

The Phony Critic of Capitalism