Tuesday, July 29, 2008

The Threads of Blackwater

You might also want to view this as a companion piece:

Zionist Blackwater and Israeli Commandos After Katrina

Then read this

"Audit questions millions in Blackwater contracts

The private security contractor Blackwater Worldwide and its affiliates may have misrepresented their size to win more than $100 million in government contracts set aside for small businesses, federal auditors said. A report by the Small Business Administration's Office of Inspector General questioned the agency's decision to approve Blackwater as a small business, even though there were signs it could be much larger than executives claimed. In fiscal 2005 through 2007, Blackwater and affiliates won 32 small-business contracts worth more than $2.1 million even though the work was restricted to companies with revenue of $6.5 million or less, according to the audit. One contract had a revenue ceiling of $750,000. The audit questioned whether the North Carolina firm could meet either of those limits (AP)."

And now this

"Blackwater protected Barack Obama in Afghanistan

So who do you think protected Obama and his fellow senators Jack Reed and Chuck Hagel during their recent and much ballyhooed congressional delegation trip to Afghanistan? Yep, that’s right - Blackwater."

Yeah, 'bamer will shut them down!