Monday, November 5, 2007

Trailing Tzipi

Our lovable DefSec, squeaky Gates. She was there first!

Livni Fails in Chinese Mission

"Gates in Beijing for Talks on Military Buildup" by THOM SHANKER

BEIJING, Nov. 4 — Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates arrived Sunday in Beijing to begin two days of talks with senior leaders.

Gates, before he left for China: “I don’t consider China at this point a military threat to the United States. I have concerns with a variety of military programs that they have under way. I have concern with the lack of transparency."

Another cryptic comment!

But at SOME POINT they
will be, right Bob?

He's right about the transparency.

The Neo-Cons wrote it all down:
AIPAC/Clean Break/PNAC

Senior Defense Department officials say China has undertaken an aggressive military modernization campaign that will result in more submarines, surface warships and combat aircraft able to challenge foreign armed forces across the region.

And how much is the U.S. spending on "defense?"

But the Chinese military operates in ways that are far more opaque than Western armed forces, Pentagon officials say, leaving the United States uncertain about the exact size of China’s military budget or its long-range military goals.

A senior Defense Department official said, speaking anonymously because he was commenting in advance on high-level meetings, as he described issues Mr. Gates planned to discuss with his hosts:

What does the military buildup mean for us and the rest of the region?


Looking beyond the Pacific Rim, Mr. Gates is expected to press Beijing to contribute further to economic sanctions intended to halt Iran’s nuclear ambitions, which could be a prickly issue given China’s growing economic ties with Iran.

Ooooooooh, know wonder Gates is going to China!

Gotta get 'em on board with the war!

The senior Pentagon official traveling with the defense secretary:

We think China could do more on Iran.”

And they think the U.S. could do more on Israel!

Gates is making his first visit to China as defense secretary.... Other issues expected to be raised in the sessions in Beijing include.... China’s recent test of an antisatellite weapon. The test greatly concerned the American military, given its reliance on satellites for communications, finding targets and global positioning.

Yeah, that could be a major problem for the war pigs, couldn't it?

Michael J. Green, of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, a Washington policy institute and senior director for Asian affairs on the National Security Council in 2004 and 2005:

If you are sitting in the Pentagon, China is a potential peer competitor. You want to shape Chinese decisions, to dissuade China from choosing military or other destabilizing solutions to their problems and to encourage them to be a responsible stakeholder. For that, you need a credible military deterrent — alliances, presence. But you also have to use reassuring language."

Translation: BULLSHIT THEM!

C'mon!!!!! The Chinese aren't stoo-pid!!!!

They know when they are being shoveled shit!

AmeriKa's fucking arrogance is astounding!