"If these were Jews this would be all over the news"
"May. 29th, 2008 at 9:07 AM
We give MSM two index fingers up.
Added: May 28, 2008
A United Nations inquiry is taking place in Gaza over an Israeli air-strike 18 months ago that killed 23 Palestinians - 20 of them from the same family.
Accounts differ about what happened in Beit Hanoun and how many missiles were fired. Israel has already said it was a mistake.
From Gaza, Owen Fay reports for Al Jazeera.
In Beit Hanoun, Tutu visits a family torn apart by shells
And what does the MSM give you?
More bullshit political fooleys -- IGNORING TUTU'S VISIT!!!!
It is AMAZING HOW SILENT the MSM papers have been on this issue lately.
Absolute stone-cold silence!
That's why I no longer cover the "politics" as much. It's all crap.